River Centre Park, Sylvania
Community Involvement
Residents of Sylvania are involved in our community and in a whole spectrum of organizations to better themselves and the world around us.
This list barely scratches the surface, providing some of the largest and best known. You’ll find many others, which focus on sports, culture, the arts, hobbies, games and other interests, posted in the local library, newspapers, shops and cafés.
Business Organizations
The Employer’s Association
5800 Monroe St.
P: 419-885-8505
Sylvania Area Community Improvement Corporation (SACIC)
5632 N. Main St.
P: 419-842-8108
SACIC is a coalition of area business and community leaders who support Sylvania schools by encouraging economic and business development. The organization feels that strong schools encourage a strong community spirit and a better quality of life.
Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce
5632 N. Main St.
P: 419-882-2135
Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to the progress, expansion, well-being and improvement of Sylvania’s business, professional and civic communities. A voluntary business organization, the chamber promotes civic and social development throughout the Sylvania area and strongly supports the educational opportunities offered through the Sylvania schools.
Fraternal Organizations
The Benevolent & Protective Order of the Elks Lodge
3520 Holland Sylvania Rd.
Toledo, Ohio 43615
P: 419-841-6654
The Elks uphold the principles of charity, justice, brotherly love and fidelity; cultivate good fellowship; and serve their communities through benevolent programs demonstrating that Elks Care and Elks Share.
Sylvania Masonic Lodge
3510 Holland Sylvania Rd.
Toledo, Ohio 43615
P: 419-841-4712
One of the world’s oldest social and community organizations, Masons emphasize personal study, self-improvement and social betterment via individual involvement and philanthropy.
Sylvania Loyal Order of the Moose
6072 N. Main St.
P: 419-885-4953
Men and women join this family fraternity to participate in family-friendly activities, community service projects and member sports programs, as well as the Order’s humanitarian efforts.
Sylvania Women’s Order of the Moose
6072 N. Main St.
P: 419-252-0595
The Women of the Moose is a unit of Moose International with more than 400,000 women in approximately 1,600 chapters in the U.S. and Canada, who provide more than $20 million worth of community service annually.
Golf & Country Clubs
Highland Meadows Golf Club
7455 Erie St.
P: 419-882-7153
Established in 1925, with its roots in working families, Highland Meadows is a traditional private golf club dedicated to providing a quality golf and recreational experience to the entire family. The club has hosted the Jamie Farr Owens Corning Golf Classic, a regular stop on the LPGA Tour, 15 times since 1984.
Sylvania Country Club
5201 Corey Rd.
P: 419-882-2082
Sylvania Country Club is a traditional private membership facility founded in 1916. An 18-hole regulation length course, SCC’s medium-length layout has three sets of tee boxes for a fun but challenging golfing experience. In addition, the club offers its members opportunities for fine dining, swimming and tennis.
Service Organizations
Sylvania Sister City Commission
6730 Monroe Street, Suite 203
P: 419-885-8926
Sylvania’s Sister City Commission enriches the community through engagement with Woodstock, Ontario – our sister city for more than 25 years. Participating organizations include the City of Sylvania, Sylvania Township, Sylvania Schools, Sylvania Franciscan Village/Lourdes University, Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library. Local residents are invited to participate in cultural, educational and sports exchanges. Greatest involvement is created each year when our Canadian partners attend Sylvania’s Fall Festival & Parade and local representatives travel north to Woodstock’s Santa Claus Parade.
Joseph W. Diehn American Legion Post 468
5580 N. Centennial Rd.
P: 419-882-9080
The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, war-time veterans’ organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. A not-for-profit community service organization, there are now close to 3 million members in nearly 15,000 American Legion posts worldwide.
Kiwanis, through guidance and example, works to develop future generations of leaders by revitalizing neighborhoods, organizing youth-sports programs, tutoring, building playgrounds and doing other projects to help children and communities. Two groups hold meetings near Sylvania:
West Toledo Kiwanis
Downtown Toledo Kiwanis
Sylvania-Franklin Park Exchange Club
This Exchange Club is part of the National Exchange Club, the largest strictly American service club organization. Exchange is an all-volunteer, national service organization for men and women who want to serve their community, develop leadership skills and enjoy new friendships.
Sylvania Rotary Club
Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world.
Sylvania Sunrise Lions Club
Lions work to improve the quality of life in their local communities and tackle problems like blindness, drug abuse prevention and diabetes awareness. Nearly 1.3 million Lions members in 200 countries and geographic areas answer the needs that challenge the communities of the world.
Youth Organizations
Boy Scouts of America
The Northwest District, Boy Scouts of America, serves over 1,000 Sylvania Scouts. They offer Cub Scouting for grades 1-5, Boy Scouts for grades 6-12, Venture Crews for boys and girls ages 14-20, and Exploring Posts for boys and girls of any age interested in a particular career field. Please contact NW District Director, Ellen Watkins, at 419-276-1217 or by email at ellen.watkins@scouting.org for more information. You may contact the Erie Shores Council BSA at 419-241-7293 or visit www.erieshorescouncil.org.
Girl Scouts of America
Girl Scouts of Western Ohio serves approximately 55,000 girls in a 32-county area in western Ohio and southeast Indiana. More than 15,000 trained adult volunteers work to provide services and deliver the program to girls. Girl Scouts of Western Ohio Regional Offices are located in Cincinnati, Dayton, Lima, and Toledo to best serve volunteers and girls.
Girl Scouts of Western Ohio is one of more than 100 councils that make up Girl Scouts of the USA – the largest voluntary organization for girls in the world.
For more information on the Girl Scouts, click here!
United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps
The United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC) is a youth organization that serves to teach 13 to 18 years old about the sea-going military services, community service, citizenship, and an understanding of discipline and teamwork. A younger version of the NSCC, the Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC), exists for youths between the ages of 10 and 13. You will get once in the lifetime opportunities to wear the Sea Cadet uniform, go places and do things that normally are only available to adults in the Navy and all the while, making friends and learning things they don’t teach in school. Imagine yourself in a real boot camp for two weeks at Camp Perry, underway on the Gray Fox the Sea Cadets’ Training ship or at medical training at Great Lakes Naval Station or even overseas on an exchange program!! The summer trainings are really where it all comes together. There are literally dozens of opportunities every summer (and over winter break) guaranteed to fit your interests.
For more information please visit our website www.toledoseacadets.com or you can e-mail us at pbseacadets@gmail.com.