Harroun Community Park. Photo Courtesy of Candy Sarikonda
Our Parks and Forestry Division
The Parks and Forestry Division provides basic maintenance for trees growing in the public right-of-way and on all city owned property. These services include: removal, trimming, stump grinding and planting. The Division also operates a 24-hour emergency service for downed tree limbs obstructing the public right-of-way.
Margie Ott
8425 Sylvania-Metamora Rd.
P: 419-885-8992
F: 419-882-4817
E-Mail: city.parks@cityofsylvania.com
Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
What We Have For You
Parks & Forestry tackles three major categories of city services. Click on the column header on the chart below to go to the page for those programs.
The Parks & Forestry supervisor also acts as representative for the mayor and the city with the Tree City USA program, as well as various commissions, such as the Sylvania Tree Commission and Sylvania Historical Village, Inc.