Department of Finance

Toby Schroyer
Director of Finance
Suite 201
6730 Monroe St.
Sylvania OH 43560
P: 419-885-8934
F: 419-885-8998
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

This department tracks and supervises all city accounts, monitoring where and how all the money paid to the city comes in and goes back out. The finance director is the chief fiscal and accounting officer for the city. (It is actually the city treasurer’s job to maintain custody of the city’s money and disburse it as needed.) All revenues from income taxes, real estate taxes, special assessments, fees, etc., are accounted for here, as are all expenses paid by the city.

How We Can Help You

The finance department is here to help whenever any Sylvania resident wants to know:

  • How the city is spending its money.
  • How much the city expects to spend next year and on what.
  • What the city’s policies are on any financial or budgetary matter.
  • The city’s bond rating.
  • The city’s debt and how much it owes to whom.
  • How much the city collects in city income taxes each year.
  • How much the city has invested with whom and what those investments have yielded in return.
  • How much the city collects in special assessments and pays to the county.
  • How the city calculates those assessments.
  • The results of any audits of the city’s finances.
  • The results of negotiations with labor unions representing city employees.

Annual Budget & Financial Reports

Public officials are accountable for knowing where funds come from and go. The director of finance and the finance staff are responsible for documenting these activities and preparing financial reports for city officials, for the public at large and, at times, for financial institutions and federal agencies.

These documents, including annual budgets, annual financial reports and other records, provide detailed information (and critical documentation) for each fiscal year.

The director’s responsibilities also include:

  • Keeping the mayor and city council informed of the city’s financial condition and any related needs.
  • Making sure the city is meeting all legal requirements in terms of certifications for and the expenditure of public monies.
  • Preparing and signing any warrants needed to disburse city moneys.
  • Preparing and submitting to the mayor for presentation to council annual estimates of receipts and expenditures and all measures to appropriate the funds to pay them (in other words, annual budgets).
  • Preparing and submitting to the mayor and council all receipts and expenditures for the preceding calendar year with an annual report of the financial condition of the city (annual financial reports).

Audited Financial Statements

2020 City of Sylvania Financial Report
2019 City of Sylvania Financial Report
2018 City of Sylvania Financial Report
2017 City of Sylvania Financial Report
2016 City of Sylvania Financial Report

City Debt & Investments

As the city’s financial advisor, the finance director manages the city’s debt from outstanding notes and bonds. The director must ensure that any indebtedness falls within the scope of the city’s debt policy.

Of course, this requires keeping all kinds of records and documenting all types of proceedings; not just financial proceedings (note and bond transcripts, special assessment proceedings and transcripts, etc.) but all proceedings, because decisions to spend or appropriate money are made in council and committee meetings as well.

Sylvania Financial and Debt Policy (66K) pdf

City Payrolls

The director is responsible for examining all city payrolls, bills and other claims against the city to make sure they are legitimate and within budget. This includes all wages and benefits for city employees, as well as payments into pension funds. (Finance also has to make sure that any payments to be made correspond with money appropriated for those items.)

City Records

The city charter specifically states that it is the finance department’s job to make sure that all records of the city are maintained, authenticated and preserved (except those for which the city charter, an ordinance or a resolution of city council has given responsibility to another party).

Council meeting agendas and minutes can be found on the Council Meeting Records page. Board of Architectural Review and Municipal Planning Commission meeting agendas and mintues can be found on the Boards & Commissions Meeting Records page. Help with locating city ordinances is found in Ordinances.


The finance director and the mayor are jointly responsible for negotiating and executing all contracts, conveyances, evidences of indebtedness and other instruments to which the city is a party. This includes land and real estate purchases, consultant services, health care plan providers, vehicle leases and purchases, labor contracts and all other legal agreements.

You can locate information on the city’s contracts using the search tool on this page. A search by topic will locate related information in the city’s annual reports, financial reports and the minutes from city council and committee meetings.

Division of Information Technology

The IT division was created in 2006 to manage, maintain and protect the city’s existing communications technology – computer systems, databases, telephone systems, Internet connectivity, and voice, data and other systems.

In addition, the division is charged with converting public documents to digital format. Since 2006, the city has made an ever-growing collection of forms, documents, public records and ordinances available online.

Economic Development Financing

This department is given the authority to create economic development financing programs for new and expanding businesses in the City of Sylvania. To schedule a visit with the finance director, call 419-885-8930 or e-mail

For a list of business financing opportunities and economic development resources available to you, visit the Business Resources page.

Special Assessments

The finance staff has to calculate the special assessments that are paid by Sylvania residents to the Lucas County auditor in their property taxes. These calculations are provided to the county auditor annually for payment to the City of Sylvania.

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