Richards Park Stream & Floodplain Restoration

Richards Park Stream & Floodplain Restoration Project Erosion Problems

The Service Department began reviewing options that would mitigate significant erosion and bank destabilization along Tenmile Creek in the Bonniebrook Road area, commonly known in Sylvania as Richards Park, in 2021 based on adjacent property owner concerns.

This 1,500 lineal foot section of the watershed mainly on City-owned property is relatively unmaintained forested bottomland and floodplain.  There are several sharp turns in the stream alignment including one large 90-degree turn just upstream from the Bonniebrook Road bridge.  Aerial analysis estimates lateral recession of the streambank in this area averages 0.7 feet per year, with some locations significantly higher.

Conceptual Solution

To mitigate these issues the Service Department has proposed to realign the stream channel to include more gradual changes of direction, and place natural materials including in-stream flow control structures (i.e. boulder cross vanes, riffles, and J-hooks), toewood, and natural brush layering similar to what was previously implemented in the SOMO Flats area of Tenmile Creek in 2021.

Click here for a video of improvements performed in Tenmile Creek in 2021.

Portions of the existing stream channel would be plugged and regraded to provide flood capacity and filtration in natural wetland areas which will help in the retention and detention of upstream agricultural and urban runoff.


On November 15, 2021 Sylvania City Council authorized the Service Department’s request to pursue a 100% grant application request to the H2Ohio Initiative to cover the estimated $1,485,000 project cost.  This newly created state of Ohio only program was launched in 2019 as a comprehensive Lake Erie water quality initiative.  For more information on the H2Ohio program click here.

Public Information

The Service Department was notified in May 2022 by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), one of three administrators of the H2Ohio Initiative, that the 100% grant request was successful.  Prior to entering into an agreement with H2Ohio, ODNR requested public involvement from adjacent property owners to gauge interest and support of the project.  Subsequently, the Service Department conducted an Employee & Community Relations Committee Meeting on June 20, 2022 to provide information about the project and accept comments.  Below is information provided at the meeting:

Property Owner Notification Letter

Conceptual Exhibit

Employee & Community Relations Committee Meeting Presentation

For questions or comments pertaining to this project please contact the Deputy Director of Public Service, Joe Shaw, at or by phone at 419-885-8965.